Stephen Mackes


4th Year Graduate student at UIC in Mathematics

I am currently interested in pleated planes, higher Teichmüller theory, character varieties for complex Lie groups (mostly PSL(d, C)), and hyperbolic geometry.

My thesis advisor is David Dumas and I am working on results that guarantee that a d-pleated surface is embedded given locally small enough bending data.

My CV will be available here shortly.

I have been a Calculus 1 preceptor (exactly like a TA with no grading) at Mercer for 3 years. I have been a TA for MATH 125 at UIC for three semesters, and MATH 190 and MATH 210 for one. These courses are linear algebra for business, Calculus 1, and Calculus 3 respectively. I am currently a RA under David.